Easy 3 Ingredient Homemade Body Moisturiser

Homemade Moisturiser

I used the recipe below to make some lovely home-made moisturiser. It cost approximately €5 to make a cup of moisturiser (half of the recipe below), which is absolutely delicious on the skin. Our whole family has been using it for about 6 months and couldn’t go back to shop bought cream now.

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  • Use a double boiler to melt half a cup of almond oil or grape seed oil and 20g of beeswax that has been either grated or cut into small pieces.
  • Mix 1 cup of aloe vera gel, a teaspoon of almond of Vitamin E oil and essential oils (optional).
  • Once the beeswax is melted in the almond oil, take the mixture off the heat and place on a tea-towel on a counter or table.
  • Whisk or blend the aloe vera gel mixture into the oil / beeswax mixture bit by bit.

This recipe is an edited version of one that I found on Remedies and Herbs.

I have been able to make this recipe completely zero waste by buying refills of almond oil and aloe vera gel. in their original containers from Bomar.ie in Wicklow.  I’ve also successfully sourced ‘naked’ beeswax from a local beekeeper but if you don’t have one close to you I’ve seen it unwrapped in most health shops for about €3.


8 thoughts on “Easy 3 Ingredient Homemade Body Moisturiser

    1. I get a good 4-5 months out of a jar, especially if I used essential oils in it. I usually make two jars, one of which I keep in the fridge until the first one is used up. I only moisturise once a week, which is probably why it takes me so long to get through a jar.


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